
Donald "Chuck" Cook, CIO & Director of IT, CADD-BIM, Graphics Technology

“Ellenzweig engaged CDV Systems, Inc. to provide BIM, Revit and information management consulting services to the firm. Ellenzweig chose CDV Systems to provide these services based on my experience working with them during the past fifteen years at Ellenzweig and based on my knowledge, spanning the past twenty years, of their unique and noted expertise.
During the course of CDV's current Revit consulting at Ellenzweig, I have been sincerely impressed by their particularly effective training approach. I find CDV's “Train the Project” approach to be a strikingly effective and efficient one for getting a team basically introduced to Revit while also getting the team’s actual Revit model underway. I have not seen this kind of insightful approach employed by CDV's counterparts (a number of whom have provided consulting services to Ellenzweig).
I find CDV’s experience as a practicing architect to be extremely valuable, spanning their BIM strategic consulting, their Revit training and their information management consulting. There is simply no substitute for those with an architectural background when providing this array of consulting to an AEC firm or to an AEC client.
As Ellenzweig’s Director of IT\CADD-BIM\Graphics Technology, I have significant experience with BIM, CADD and information management and I have worked with a number of professionals who provide related consulting, spanning the past twenty-five years. Based on this experience, I genuinely feel that CDV is the best consultant that an AEC firm can have, to provide BIM strategic services, Revit training services and information management services (including facilities management).
Please feel free to contact me for any further information that I can provide regarding CDV Systems' valuable BIM, Revit and information management consulting for Ellenzweig.”
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